Tuesday 15 December 2009

Day fifteen....

Not even Wendsleydale?

"One by one I made out most of our grey villages with their thin pall of smoke. And as I watched the evening train creeping up the valley with its pauses at our three stations, a quaint thought came into my head and it was that there was hardly a man, woman or child in all those villages of whom I did not know the Christian name and with whom I was not on terms of intimate friendship. My wife and I say that we know most of the dogs and, indeed some of the cats"

These are to words of one Will Pickles, as he describes Wendselydale. A quaint place. Humble Yorkshire town and home of a great regional cheese. Wendselydale started its life back in 1156, when Cisterian monks settled and with it brought the knowledge of Penicillium Roquforti. This is the mold that makes cheese bleu(not a mistake). But what's that I hear you cry? I know! Any person who has seen this classic will know that Wendsleyday is not blue but it is a crumbly, pure white cheese.
Wallace and Gromit saved a cheese that was on the brink of extinction. The new Cisterian monk, Wallace has a holy air of calm about his person and Gromit his disciples. Nick Park stop with all this subversion and come out with it!
Recently at Arcadia a delivery of 7 box loads of cheese arrived, and I felt privileged almost selfish, when thinking of pool old Henry Wendsleydale.....

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