Sunday 20 December 2009

Day twenty....

The Art of Cutting Cheese

From this......
To this....

But Parmesan Reggiano is a temperamental we bugger. So how can one portion up a cheese that is a brick on the outside and crumbly on the inside. Not unlike one of them there dime bars or armadillos. There is an art to this as the natural layers of the Reggiano should break away perfectly. Here is the perfect technique.

Beautiful, beautiful, BEAUTIFUL. Of course another classic method of cutting cheese is the old pull of the finger...

However the undertone of this advert is coarse, disguisting, unsocial. So i was glad to stumble across this educational game. Finally it is our time. Stand up cheesemongers of the world, for we are no longer staff, prolitariate, wage monkeys we are ARTISTS!

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